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Digital Storytelling


For the digital storytelling lesson plan students will use a range of media, such as sound, animations, photos, and text to tell a story. There are many directions one could take for this lesson plan. My personal favorite is to have students make a movie trailor for a book they have been reading. In my experience, many students have given positive feedback for this assignment.


Please feel free to use this website as a way to access helpful resources. I have offered links below that include on-line lesson plans, articles from the English Journal, and other helpful websites.

Resources for Educators





Lesson Plans

English Language Learners (ELL) Resources Home Page


The Nerdy Book Club: A Community of Readers Blog




Students process "teen stress"


This blogging lesson plan is designed to give students a positive outlet to release some of their stress through the process of writing and blogging. I may use this lesson plan as a fun way to introduce blogging as a genre of writing, as well as allowing students to process their stresses through writing as an outlet. This lesson plan may also be used as a way for students to compare their stress to characters in a book they have read.



Elements of the Short Story


This lesson plan is one of several different lessons. The first lessons are used to introduce students to the elements of a short story and read a few short stories themselves. This multi-part lesson plan is helpful in terms of allowing students to grasp the idea of short stories, read short stories by well-known authors, and later be given the freedom to write one of their own. 

English as a Second Language: Potential Applications to Teaching the Freshman


Sullivan, P. (1957). English as a Second Language: Potential Applications to Teaching the Freshman. English Journal, 10-11. 



Lingua Anglia: Bridging Language and Learners


Hickey, P. (Ed.). (2014). Lingua Anglia: Bridging Language and Learners. English Journal, 112-114. 



Written English Is a "Second Language"


Allen, R. (1966). Written English Is a "Second Language" English Journal, 739-746.




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